How do you get someone to stop drinking?

Alcoholism is a serious disease. Addiction to alcoholic beverages undermines the human psyche, and regular use of ethyl alcohol gradually destroys all organs and systems. He who drinks too much literally destroys himself from the inside. And at the same time, it makes the life of relatives and friends unbearable. How do you get someone to stop drinking? How to protect it from the negative effects of strong drinks? What can be done to restore peace and tranquility in the family?

giving up alcohol

We immediately note that it will not work to cure an alcoholic without his desire. So, if you decide to secretly add some kind of "miracle drug" to his food at home, then you should know that your idea is doomed to failure in advance. Nothing good comes from forced treatment. Moreover, it is not so easy to deliver a drunkard to the hospital without his consent. Therefore, this article will mainly focus on how to convince an alcoholic to get treatment, how to get him to give up alcohol on his own.

Recognizing the problem

As a rule, if a person drinks a lot, then he does not consider it a disease. Often, the alcoholic does not even admit that he has recently had too many strong drinks. He believes he drinks as usual, no more than everyone else. In addition, you may encounter another difficulty: the drinker admits that there is too much alcohol in his life.

Perhaps he was already tormented by a persistent hangover. However, at this stage, he does not want to give up yet, he does not realize that he is already addicted. Such a person believes that on his own and without outside help at home he will be able to get rid of alcohol, but not now, but one day later. It's just that "later" never comes.

Therefore, the answer to the question "how to get an alcoholic into treatment" must begin with his conviction that he is sick. This is often one of the most difficult steps. To cope with this task, you can use several tricks. Draw the patient's attention to the health risks of alcohol. Focus on the deterioration in well-being that the consumer has recently experienced (and it is likely to be to one degree or another in any case).

Try to draw attention to the alcoholic that he is already drinking too much, that alcohol has caused changes in his behavior. Tell us that you can completely handle this, you just need to start treatment as soon as possible. And finally, try to convince the drinker that there is no shame in calling yourself an alcoholic, it is shame in not admitting the obvious.

Denial of charges

If you are wondering how to help a person who drinks, then never forget that you want to help, not blame. This is very important, because alcohol changes the psyche in such a way that a person becomes very sensitive and even capricious. If you start punishing him like a delinquent child, he will shut down, withdraw from you and get worse. It is necessary to convince the alcoholic of your kind attitude. The patient should see you as a friend and ally.

Give up scandals and shouts. The key to success is endless patience. Even if it is extremely difficult for you, if you want to vent your emotions, then you should do it so that no one can see. Do not allow strangers (such as neighbors) to throw accusations at the drinker. Never scold him in front of others.

Help for alcoholism means maximum gentleness. Sure, you can point out to a person that their alcohol addiction is having a detrimental effect on them and those around them, but that should be presented as a fact, not an accusation. Remember that no one wants to be scolded. Do not try to offend or anger the drinker: this will only make him angry and he will drink more to make you feel sorry for him. Understand that alcohol is talking to a person and you need to "wake" him up.

Choosing the right moment

To help with alcoholism, you need to choose the right time. This should be a period when a person does not drink. Talking to a drunk is absolutely useless. Of course, anyone who wants to can try, but it will be extremely difficult to achieve something, you can only spoil your nerves in vain. Please note that at home you will not be able to remove a person from hard drinking yourself, so you need to be patient and wait. The "bright" period will come sooner or later, and then it is necessary to ask the question of how to help an alcoholic.

Help to get rid of alcoholism should begin with a serious conversation that will provide the patient with the necessary motivation. This conversation should take place in a quiet environment, preferably at home. For it to succeed, two conditions must be met. First, the alcoholic himself must be sober (this has already been mentioned above).

Second, you yourself must be mentally prepared. Think in advance how you will convince which words you will choose. Think about how to help the alcoholic understand you better, choose the necessary examples. Be calm and safe. Remember that the first conversation, most likely, will not work. Never give up. It can always be repeated time and time again, until the first successes appear.

Setting the right goals

To get a person off drinking, you need to give them the right motivation. Therefore, if you have asked yourself "how to help an alcoholic", you should find an alternative to alcohol for him. He must understand that life is beautiful even without alcohol, that the world is full of wonderful opportunities. If you leave, you can get a good job… You will meet a nice girl… You will start talking to friends again… Tell the patient what he liked in his past life. Give him hope of getting what he wants (except alcohol).

Emphasize that his health will improve significantly, that you can still restore steadiness of hand and clarity of mind. The right motivation should be the guiding star on the road to recovery.

Alcohol addiction is so strong that only a great goal is able to overcome it and remove the patient from a glass. He should be aiming for something other than booze. And this desire must eventually win. It should take the alcoholic to the doctor and support him further on a difficult path.

When looking for an answer to the question "how to make a person stop drinking", do not be afraid to turn to a psychologist. You are not always able to cope on your own. A professional will tell you how to act in order to remove a loved one from alcoholic drinks, tell you what is better to talk about, how to behave. If you do not feel the strength in yourself to have a serious conversation with an alcoholic, then you can invite a psychologist to your home. He will be able to get an idea of the extent of the problem at home, talk to the patient and, with a high degree of probability, after a few sessions will lead him on the right path.

Forbidden to lie

Lying is the worst tool of influence. Never try to trick an alcoholic. Of course, he wants to hear that the treatment will be simple and pleasant. But it isn't. A series of severe symptoms await him:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • headache,
  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • tremors of the limbs,
  • unbridled desire to drink.

Warn the patient that this will need to be addressed. A person must be mentally prepared for possible difficulties. Your task is to convince him that temporary problems can be dealt with, you just have to be patient for a while. Explain that complete home treatment is not possible. It will take some time to go to the hospital. The alcoholic must know what he will face.

Do not tell tales of impossible possibilities, such assh. so that after recovery you can drink strong drinks during the holidays. There is no alcoholic who drinks a little after treatment. There are either those who don't drink at all, or those who return to their former binge. You can't set unrealistic goals. All of them must be real, at least a little. Otherwise, you can expect the strongest disappointment and a new breakdown.

How to help a drunk person? Don't try to wean him off alcohol at home or in secret from him. Try to explain the need for hospital treatment. Do not scold the alcoholic and do not blame him for the problems that have arisen. Find the right motives for him, something he wants besides alcohol. Speak only the truth. Never give up. If the first attempts to help did not work, it is necessary to repeat them again and again.

Do not try to solve the problem yourself at home. If there is such a need, you can consult a psychologist or narcologist. Remember that you do not have to carry all the responsibility on your shoulders. Believing in the case of convincing an alcoholic to be treated by professionals is a perfectly acceptable solution. Your main task is to help the patient in any way he wants to become healthy again. Then the alcoholic will gradually begin to help himself.